Never Before in History has Mainstream Media Failed to Convince Americans to Support USA in War Cry

Daily Paul –

American citizen support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and the Syrian people is off the charts. Why are so many Americans rooting for Assad and not Obama’s War? The MSM attempt to start an open US war with Syria is going down in flames. 91% of American people simply don’t want another costly war in the Middle East. Many Americans have educated themselves in understanding all the intricate geo-political and mercantile moving parts associated with the push to overthrow the Assad presidency. We’re not buying into this bankster war.  

Informed internet bloggers are offering advice to Russia, Iran, and Syria on how to react to a US attack on Syria. From Iran bombing the hell out of Qatar and Saudi Arabia to Syria launching Sunburn missiles at US battle ships to teach American sheeple the true cost of war, the suggestions are over the top. Advice from huge numbers of Americans to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth for various reasons are in every comment thread on thousands of blogs. It seams the gloves are off in the rhetoric being tossed around the Internets concerning war with Syria. The age of Internet Power has arrived. The Worldwide Web is shutting down this war.

Mainstream media needs to learn their new role. Back of the bus pal! And this has nothing to do with race.


Brzezinski: ‘Global Political Awakening’ Making Syrian War Difficult

“Brzezinski’s call of warning to the “global political awakening” has only intensified in recent years. Last year during a speech in Poland, Brzezinski noted that it has become “increasingly difficult to suppress” and control the “persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples.” Brzezinski also blamed the accessibility of “radio, television and the Internet” for the “universal awakening of mass political consciousness.”

“[The] major world powers, new and old, also face a novel reality: while the lethality of their military might is greater than ever, their capacity to impose control over the politically awakened masses of the world is at a historic low. To put it bluntly: in earlier times, it was easier to control one million people than to physically kill one million people; today, it is infinitely easier to kill one million people than to control one million people,” said Brzezinski during a 2010 Council on Foreign Relations speech in Montreal.

Despite attempts by both the Republican and Democratic leadership to gain support for a war in Syria, a new Reuters poll revealed that only 9 percent of Americans support military intervention in Syria. If the United States intervenes, it will be the least popular war in American history.

The massive and growing evidence forced out by the alternative media, which points to a US backed chemical attack by Al Qaeda led rebel forces to be blamed on Assad, has only accelerated the inevitable downfall of the corporate press that is now only trusted by 23 percent of the public.”

Read more:…


Zero Hedge has some of the most informed bloggers on the internet and has this article concerning Dr Ron Paul today;

US Finally Admits What Ron Paul Said: “Nobody Knows Who Set Off The Gas”
“”The danger of escalation with Russia is very high,” Ron Paul warns in this brief Fox News interview. After casting doubts on the government’s ‘knowledge’ and reasoning in the region, Paul gets straight to the point. Simply put, he notes, despite the ongoing headlines of ‘proof’ and ‘dreadful videos’, Paul states “We’re not positive who set off the gas,” and indeed – who is set to benefit most from any Assad-regime-smackdown? Al-Qaeda.

“Assad is not an idiot,” Paul adds, “it’s unlikely he would do this on purpose… look how many lies were told to us about Saddam Hussein prior to that build-up.” A lot of uncomfortable truths in this brief clip for an administration that has crossed its own red line (as we noted here) on actions against Syria now… “I think it’s a false flag…” Paul adds, there is a big risk that “we are getting sucked in” and the American people are against this war.”…


11 thoughts on “Never Before in History has Mainstream Media Failed to Convince Americans to Support USA in War Cry

  1. Americans get what they voted for… The media and many Americans said Paul is to old and crazy to serve as President, he will make stupid mistakes and make us look bad in the eyes of the world….

    Look at us now….

    1. To say that we voted for this bullshit is a bullshit statement. The election process in the US is 110% corrupted and has been for a very long time now.
      Don’t forget the Republican Convention where the rules were changed to stop Ron Paul from being nominated from the floor. Don’t forget the beatings and jailings of Ron Paul supporters at the primaries and caucuses. And do not forget the straight up blatant removal and replacement of Ron Paul delegates by the corporate mafia controlled Republican party leadership. And whatever you do don’t forget that the Democrats are not but the other side of the false left-right paradigm and are absolutely corrupt to the core.
      No, we did not vote for this.

    2. Presidents can win elections legitimately with less than 25% of the public actually voting for them.

      Add in a little vote fraud, and the election process has absolutely nothing to do with any choice made by the majority of American people whatsoever.

      Please don’t try to lend any credence to the voting process in this country, because it’s been proven to be completely fraudulent too many times already.

  2. This country did not vote for this…….did not vote conclusively for Obama either.
    In the last presidential election…there was an area in the state of Ohio, where more than 100 voting precients sp? did not have one vote, not one, for the republican candidate . That tells anyone all he or she needs to know about the corruption of our system….Being that way in Ohio, certainly, there were more places around this country…that had similar outcomes…
    The american public has been thrown down the toilet by this massive corruption far too long…….its way past time to change this..
    Wash D C is the most terrorist entity on the face of the earth..Bar None

  3. “Never Before in History has Mainstream Media Failed to Convince Americans to Support USA in War Cry”

    This just means they’re going to have to get ugly, but they WILL have their war.

  4. Does any thinking American (I’ve given up on the unthinking Americans…but thankfully that number seems to be dropping) actually think public officials are voted in legitimately anymore?

    But anyway, having thought for years that Americans loved war (as opposed to Israeli Jews who love war because they can always get the goyim to fight their battles for them–what a bunch of cowards!), it is great to know so few support this one. Who the 9 percent are is not clear, but let me speculate: either armaments makers and others who would profit from it, or Christian Zionists/Talmudic Jews, or both…BTW not all Jews are Talmudic, and thank you God, not all Christians are Christian Zionist.

  5. Sites such as this one and some others are a big BIG factor in educating Americans about the truth of what is happening in America today.
    I originally voted for Bush but immediately turned against him when the talk of war on Iraq began. I had remembered something from the early nineties where Cheney gave a speech about Iraq’s rich oil deposits and how the country that controlled that oil could control the World. I knew immediately that Cheney was running things and the plan to take out Iraq was in the works. Knowing that the WMD thing was a big lie turned me from Republican to Democrat.
    Then I voted for Obama and history is repeating itself…we’re being lied to again….I see it as double betrayal and lack of understanding the truth on my part.
    Now my attitude is THROW EVERY GOD DAMNED ONE OF THEM OUT OF OFFICE….and remove every Jew in Congress and from the courts by…… the ballot of course.
    Republican and Democrat…they’re all alike…a bunch of criminals and sell outs to AIPAC. They don’t deserve nor belong in the roles they’re in.
    We must remove every damn one of them ASAP.

    1. your explanation and my experience in the last 20 years or so follow the same line and come to the same, conclusion….although I was neither a Rep or Demo…still am not….I vote for people……and that has on the national scale, turned to rotten manure, also….
      sites such as this………others also, perhaps there will be tons more come on line to accomodate all those americans who care to get up to date……..All, will add positive,human energy to the fire…
      called the USA

  6. The beautiful America starts to react against pure Evil. I see it’s one of the greatest moments of current undergoing 2nd American Revolution.

    Minions of the Plutocrats, media shills like Sean Insannity, Bill O’Reilly, Rachel MadCow, Matthews, KrauftHammered, NBC-CBS-ABC-MSNBC anchors, etc, will be wiped off screen once we see the perpetrators of high treason hung on the next tree, the ones like McCain, Lindsey Graham, oh God, they be routed out!!!

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