New Zealand Earthquake False Flag Busted

CookStrait2-Maplightworkersxm – by Dave

Same old fingerprints : Texas Oil company : Police drills on the day : Drilling nekes in the ground same as Japan : Seismograph shows Nukes going off maybe 5 in total in Pegasus basin : and more :

Here we go again : This time we know what to look for : 

Here is the company doing exploratory work: Oh They are from Texas “Skull n Bones” The Bush Family.

Anadarko and the Pegasus Basin exploratory works ( AKA Nuke planting division):

Here is the ship they brought down to implant the nukes in the sea bed. (Look up it’s whereabouts)

Anadarko-Hires-Drillship-Noble-Bob-Douglas-Under-Construction-at-HHIHere is the area where they are to be exploring :

Anadarko drill jpgHere is the earthquakes swarm :


Here is what to expect form a mother Gaia earthquake:


Now  look at all the nuke explosions : Normaly there is a build up but here we see an immediate spike like a blast.

Here is the seismographs from yesterday:


Here is the Military drills Links:

Nuff said : get these people off the buttons and in Jail please:

Spread wide and far:

Love and Light To Brett and Carol in NZ:



One thought on “New Zealand Earthquake False Flag Busted

  1. The NZ government last night by a majority of one vote passed the GCS bill to allow spying on all New Zealanders The national party were told that they had to vote for it, all opposition parties voted against it. Was there a fear of an earthquake? does that make sense, after what happened in Christchurch.

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