No Elections, Just Elitists’ Selections

Republic:  A state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch.

Democracy:  A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives.

The Constitution for the united States of the Americas was presented at a convention that was called for the purpose of establishing a permanent confederacy of states.  The Anti-Federalists saw the move for exactly what it was, a seizure of power and property by the elite of the day, who indeed were the former agents of King George, who were indeed responsible for the tyranny being inflicted upon the colonists, which caused the people’s armed uprising at Lexington and Concord, said armed uprising consequentially being hijacked by these same elite, presuming to form a government in the middle of an armed uprising in order that the sword be surrendered to an unelected government, rather than the people who had perpetrated the armed uprising.  No government was elected during the armed uprising, it was simply presumed by the power elite who were the Masonic Lodge and the dirty church.     

The Constitution was about absolute control over the wealth and resources of a nation with the full intent of making the individuals who raised the sword and drew the blood for the securing of their individual freedoms and liberties back into the indentured property of the elite that they had become in the colonies, which is what precipitated the armed uprising.

The Bill of Rights was attached to the Constitution, literally by force, but as it has been since removed through treachery, those who propose to serve the people have now declared themselves monarchs and aristocrats that we the people serve.

It is par for the course that after having committed treason in identifying this country as a democracy from every level of elitist control, that the communists and socialist elitists would flip flop when a majority of the people have declared, “No more”.

The Constitution has been used, as intended by its framers, to remove the rights of the people and establish an elitist ruling class.  This cannot be denied.  These actions represent a treasonous insurgency upon the individual beings of we the people and our individual rights and liberties in direct, undeniable, violation of the 9th Article of our Bill of Rights.

“The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

The Article declares that nothing in the Constitution, or created under its authority, can be used to diminish or remove the absolute rights of we the people.  The ruling elite claim their authority under contracts they have created, which transform we the people from free, individual, living beings to their chattel property.

Every contract created since the signing of the Constitution is directly reliant upon the Constitution for its authority for enforcement.   There are literally millions of infringements upon the people’s rights that cannot be infringed.  Every infringement has been enacted through a pretended authority within the Constitution, which not only cannot be suggested, but is patently forbidden by the 9th Article.

The elite declared war on we the people the day after the Bill of Rights was ratified and that war will not be concluded until the elite are hung for the treason they have committed or we the people surrender our arms and submit to being someone’s property.

These elections are just another sham in a long line of shams, reaching back to the original sham, and this does not stop until we the people stop it by utterly destroying our enemy, the elite, who are now brazenly standing in our faces and declaring that they operate above the law.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

6 thoughts on “No Elections, Just Elitists’ Selections

  1. I started listening to JB campbell years ago and agreed with everything he said , I’m so glad henry has picked up the gauntlet and is running like hell with it, if he could only go mainstream and wake up all the sleeping masses I’m sure we could take back our republic pretty damn quick, so thank you henry, brother.

  2. Note the first few lines.
    The constitution was presented to the convention.
    This shows that the constitution was created weeks before.
    It was written by Washington, Hamilton, and their Banker, Attorney,(British taught) and Elitist cronies. Only Rhode Island gave the people the chance to vote on it. It lost 11 to 1. There is a lot more skullduggery to the founding of this country but you have to search for the books and documentation. History is written by the winners, The public fool system promotes the government lies.

    What good is a constitution when nearly every country has one and all have some form of “Bill of Rights” written in them. A constitution either created the tyranny or is powerless to stop it.

    People in government are going to do what they want.
    But, the people in power can do nothing without the enthusiastic participation of the enforcement thugs. When the Coproaches finally say no, the Elite can only scream and shout. Their threats become powerless.

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