Oregon police plan ‘no refusal’ blood-draws for drivers

Field sobriety testPolice State USA

OREGON — Police are announcing a blitz of forced ‘no-refusal’ blood-draw warrants for drivers this holiday weekend.

In Oregon, and many other states, drivers that are suspected by police of driving under the influence are presented with a choice: submit to a Breathalyzer search or lose your driver’s license for a year.  

From a driver’s perspective, however, submitting to a Breathalyzer presents some problems. One is that the machines inherently present the possibility of error, and could provide an incorrect measurement incriminate an innocent person. There is the argument that people should not be forced to prove their innocence or provide police with self-incriminating evidence.

A cop with a needle confiscates blood from a suspect. (Source: AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)

The policy of revoking licenses is not without faults, but for the most part it balances the forces calling for safe roads and protects people’s individual rights.

However, in Oregon, that’s not good enough. Judges are teaming up with police to sign warrants on-demand for the forcible confiscation of blood. The intention is to collect the evidence necessary to lock people in prison.

In some cases, this involves hustling a suspect back to the police station, strapping them to a table, putting them in a headlock, and penetrating them with a needle, despite their protests.

It does not paint a pretty picture for innocent people who philosophically choose to stand their ground and refuse to submit to police searches.

See KVAL‘s coverage of ‘no refusal’ weekend, which is ironically being staged on ‘Independence Day.’


9 thoughts on “Oregon police plan ‘no refusal’ blood-draws for drivers

  1. Who needs a drivers license? I’m not a driver, therefore don’t need a drivers license to travel freely in my own country of birth. More people need to challenge these assumptions. Income Taxes, licenses and registrations appear to be completely unnecessary and seem to exist to give you an avenue to give up your freedoms and money. I’m sure one of the two lesbian Judges we have in this tiny, tiny town will agree with me and see it my way. Don’t you think? Angry, box biting, lesbian small town Judges represent me to a “T” and you can bet I’ll protect them with my very life when TSHTF! Don’t worry you twisted f#@ks, the Militia is here for you…

  2. they do,
    but they have been conditioned to not fight back in any way.

    personally i see it as natural selection,
    those that say “yes sir – how high should i jump” can go to the camps and burn,

    the ones that say “f-you” will be returning fire & digging tank-pits in the side roads.

  3. Just about all municipalities, counties, states and the U.S.A. are corporations. It’s the difference between say, “Orange County” and “The County of Orange”. As soon as you see the “County of..” or “State of”, that’s the corporate name. Just like all of our names (birth certificates) have been made corporations. It’s the name you read on bills coming to you spelling your name in all capitol letters. So all these state and municipal police forces are corporate. Only the sheriff is the organic police, which is why some states either totally got rid of them or are trying to. All these state and town corporations have investments on Wall St. in something called their CAFR. It’s the “Comprehensive Annual Financial Report”. Their “Budget” is just the thing they soak taxpayers with by always crying poverty. Go on your town or counties home page and search around for the CAFR. You’ll be amazed at how much money is tucked away in there…When you appear before a judge in, let’s say, a criminal case, you are actually in an “Admiralty/Maritime/Equity” jurisdiction. But Admiralty can only arrest a thing, like a ship or it’s cargo, it cannot arrest an organic human being. It’s called “in Rem”. They’re actually going after the corporate “you” of the birth certificate, because that’s a “thing”. Judges and prosecutors make a fortune doing this. This whole fiction takes a bit of study but there’s plenty of info about it to be found on the web..

  4. We should all go to our city council and mayor, County Supervisors and demand that ALL police officers have weekly drug testing at random intervals. Those who have ANY kind of drug in their body will be summarily fired, and warrants issued for the search of their homes and effects for fruits of drug crimes. Police I’ve been in contact in the last few years with did not act normal. Whether it was their high from a power trip, or narcotics I’d say something is seriously wrong with them and this needs to be done something about. Drug testing and physiological evaluations on a frequent basis needs to be done of all police including also the highway patrol and Sheriffs personnel.

  5. TREASON!!!! SHOOT ‘EM!!! Show them no mercy! Take the whole town over there and beat the shit out of them. This crap has to stop! 😡

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