Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

Published on Nov 18, 2016 by loner loneranger

Published on Nov 5, 2016
French writer Alain Soral explains how pedocriminal networks among the elite operate.

Here is another link, this woman witnessed francis, the jewish anti-pope, torturing and killing infants.
Toos of the family Nijenhuis is a 54 year old Dutch Lady. Here is her testimony, as received by the ITCCS, Kevin Annets organization. The details outlined by Toos in this video are perhaps the most shocking and incredible accusations you have ever heard. Nonetheless, especially with the weight of so many similar accusations backing hers, it is incumbent upon us to lend a kind ear to what she says, and to take the steps necessary to ascertain the validity of her accusations, and in the case of finding validity in what she says, then we must take steps to ensure that these atrocities can no longer occur.Whether this means taking direct action, or by networking better with one another to get the word out, is dependent upon individual circumstances. Nonetheless these situations are too horrendous for everybody to do nothing, for that is what enables and perpetuates these atrocities.…

2 thoughts on “Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed

  1. To most people, these stories sound too wild and unbelievable to be true, but the fact of the matter is that this sadistic pedophilia is fairly typical behavior for the ruling elite.

    They’re reveling in their power by demonstrating and enjoying the atrocities they’re able to get away with, and the torture, rape, and murder of innocent children is difficult to surpass for satisfying that particular lust that’s shared by many of them.

    I guess the mass-murder of civilians is one of the few things that caters to their power-drunkenness more than this. (I’d bet that several of these freaks achieved an orgasm as the collapsing Twin Towers crushed 3000 people at once)

    The fact that they’re sociopaths causes them to seek out positions of power, and once they ascend to these positions, they enjoy the suffering they’re able to unleash on others.

    Unfortunately, it’s a topic that’s usually unfit for polite conversation, but not discussing and exposing these tendencies among the ruling class is a big mistake, that a lot of children pay for with their short lives.

    Ex-FBI director Ted Gunderson claims that 50,000 people are lost to ritual sacrifices every year in this country alone. That’s a lot of “disappeared” people being tortured and killed for the amusement of these freaks, and it’s one reason I insist that their deaths be very slow and painful.

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