Redefining Food In 3-D

Reality Blogger – by Clint Richardson

Lately, I have an uncanny knack to predict the future…

It is not anything so extraordinary as clairvoyance or mysticism; no special intelligence or inside knowledge needed. Just plain old comparative reasoning and logic while applying the predictive programming tactics used in every day media and print. Half the time it is just the simple task of removing the word “fiction” from the term science fiction and utilizing current data sets in a predicative way to see present and future innovations.  

What was fiction yesterday is reality today. Robots and Robo-pets, laser guns, weather control, nano technology, cell phones (nothing if not the communicators from Star Trek), cloning, and other ideas that would have seemed ridiculous just 30 years ago are now common place today – even taken for granted – Horrors and atrocities that are somehow bypassing the moral compass and radar of the societal mass. Horror is entertainment; blood a sport; apocalypse and dystopia a popular genre. And one can certainly see that technology follows entertainment.

Of course when considering these inventions and advancements in technology, one must also add the variables of government support and control through R&D and stock investment with public funds into these corporate ventures, which bring us such things as space ships, laser guns, and radiation therapy – an oxymoron if ever there was one. These great advancements in technology are not created to simply and altruistically benefit mankind, but instead to control it and its commerce (“healing” by radiation is the law). Ideas are planned well in advanced of release; fictionalized, realized, patented, monopolized, and thrust upon the public – sometimes by force. And now the Supreme Court is due to decide on whether to allow corporations (and government itself) to patent and own human genes.

Before being released to the public as futuristic things and products, ideas are first introduced years or decades before production as science fiction in the media. Some are visualized through drawings or State Fair type festivals. Disney and its Epcot center is nothing but a hands-on billboard for mega-corporations and their future wares. And as we live and breath, science fiction is now playing itself out in realty as we see one of the most common of dystopian themes coming to pass before our very eyes. For the massive corporate structure always seems to win out over humanity and control every aspect of its livelihood, its food, and its shelter, with the protection of the main shareholder and regulator… the Government.

The corporation is taking over and becoming mother nature.

What Is 3-D Printing?

The first time I laid eyes upon a video of actual 3-D printing, I instinctively knew that the future had just arrived. The unbelievable had just become real, and our whole world was about to change. For this was the heart of the science that made fiction become reality, and it was being created right in front of me. If you haven’t seen this miraculous realization of science and fiction, and even if you have, these videos are a must watch!

This was my first view of what used to be the future:


Here we see the future medical possibilities:


It is important to understand the complexity of this technology by examining its potential through the eyes of a controlling oligarchy such as the United States and its corporate structure and trust. For instance, let’s say that this technology were to become a household item as common as the everyday refrigerator. Suddenly, instead of running to the store to purchase a new coffee-maker at retail prices, a person could simply print out a new one with his or her Acme Home 3-D Printer. A housewife might only need to buy a bag of powdered metal and a bag of powdered plastic when making her weekly trip to the store. Understanding that the “economy” is based on artificially created supply and demand that creates artificial price fluctuations which in turn create artificially inflated and deflated stock and commodity values in the markets makes the idea of home-printing an economy killer.

Cheap plastic crap would no longer need to be imported from China! Unemployment would skyrocket, for the concept of employment is based on red tape and redundancy – the bureaucracy of planned obsolescence in the marketplace and the servicing of money.

How could a corporation survive if its products could be copied and re-created on demand via an inexpensive and mass-produced replicator? Clothing, shoes, jewelry, silverware, tools, furniture, and even bicycles could be replicated in color with working moving parts and without ever having to leave the home. Eventually, automobiles and lawnmowers would be ready at the press of the print button.

Imagine what this would do to the concept of manufacturing and retailing corporations! For there would be only one product that everyone would need to create anything that any corporation could manufacture. And the great and usurious industries that create the power structure of government and corporations would as a result loose all power. The fictitious stock market would necessarily crash, and for-profit wars would become meaningless.

In essence, this means that the corporate government must control this technology in order to maintain control over the people.

Now that 3-D priniting has been introduced as the way of the future, the first wave of propaganda has also been introduced with the ultimate goal being one of suppression and control of 3 and 4-D printing. For these scientific miracle machines have already been labeled as terrorists. They can print and produce guns, and therefore must be controlled and restricted due to the possibility of crime, or pre-crime.

It is not so much the fact that guns can be printed in these machines, it is the fact thatunregistered guns can be printed without serial numbers and without regulation.


This takes the control right out of government hands. And this means that a whole new infrastructure of registration, regulation, control, and tyranny must be set into place lest government become obsolete in its monopoly of products and services at the barrel of a gun to the people.

And so, before the rampant free range production of things causes a total economic collapse due to 3-d printing, the gun and bomb-printing propaganda as well as intellectual property campaigns will no doubt take center stage in the fight to completely regulate and centralized the 3-D printing markets into a government induced and protected corporate monopoly – where 3-D printing will become illegal without a license to own and print.

For government can only control what it outlaws… eventually offering a limited license to commit the illegal act of 3-D printing of only government-approved and corporately monopolized and blueprinted products.

In this way, the beautiful and un-enslaving future that is possible with this technology can easily become the dystopian future of control and dependence on government and corporations that science fiction writers of the past have penned for decades.

For government and the powers that be… dystopia is utopia.

The Future Science Of Food

As I watched for the first time the creation of a working tool in a 3-D printer, I somehow instinctively knew that this technology would eventually be used to produce food by simply replacing the metallic or plastic-based powder with some form of mineral enhanced protein powder. For this is the simple science of fiction. And just as I had imagined in my own mind, I knew that the producers, retailers, and marketers of that food-like product would certainly need to redefine just what exactly the word “food” means, and what exactly is considered as “eatable”.

And now, just a couple of years after I glimpsed my first impossibly fictional yet real 3-d Printer, a new article has came out about NASA and its search for the 3-D Food Replicator.

My first thought as I was reading this article was to speculate that the recent media villainy of regular 3-D printers as creators of firearms was again to create the perceived need for security, registration, and regulation, so as to not let the public get their hands on them. After all, if someone can just push a button and create a hammer or working crescent wrench, Government’s investment held corporations like Home Depot, Lowe’s, and Sears might just go out of business. The monopolies can’t have that now, can they?

And if food was available at the touch of a button…?

The fictional and scientific concept of digitally “printing” food is not new. Food replicators were a mainstay of the 1960′ television show Star Trek. In the now cult classic The Matrix, food comes out of a spigot attached to metallic dispenser: a “white, semi-translucent, gelatinous substance” described as a single-celled protein with all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids a person needs – with a consistency compared to “runny eggs” or “a bowl of snot”.

But hey, they can make people love snot!

We’ve already learned to love our own debt, slavery, dependence, irresponsibility, and lack of integrity – or at least to accept it as normal. So why couldn’t we learn to eat something that, even though it doesn’t resemble food, is defined by the FDA as food? I’m sure eventually they will make it look and taste like a big juicy steak with mashed potatoes – just like in the construct of The Matrix. We are just in the beginning stages after all!

Note: The fictional scientific “Matrix” machines actually fed the remains of other dead humans to the alive humans (commodities) plugged in to the machines, which is also a “fictional” plot of movies such as “Soylent Green” and more recently “Cloud Atlas”. In reality, this cannibalism has been implemented for decades through vaccinations and other inject-able medicines that deliver human and animal DNA and proteins into the human body.

Twinkies are considered food. Bugs and mold wont touch McDonald’s fries and hamburger buns and rats would rather starve than eat them, yet they are sold to us as eatable products. The doughy pulp that makes up “mechanically separated chicken” must be flavored to taste like chicken after a chemical dump of ingreedients are used to treat the substance. The ingredients list on the typical processed food packaging reads like a toxic waste dump of chemicals and flavorings – taste-enhancers to make poison taste like actual food.

And the FDA approves these food-like substances as food.

With 3-D printing, the very molecular structure of  “food” must be altered and reassembled. This substance goes beyond genetic manipulation and cannot by its artificial nature ever be truly organic – even when using organic ingredients.

Of course, the FDA decides what is organic and what isn’t.

Here is the new future of food:

Imagine this as dinner – flavored and enhanced bug powder in 3-dimentional shapes.

I wonder if this machine can print a rolled joint…?

Let’s read what the articles says:

Anjan Contractor’s 3D food printer might evoke visions of the “replicator” popularized in Star Trek, from which Captain Picard was constantly interrupting himself to order tea. And indeed Contractor’s company, Systems & Materials Research Corporation, just got a six month, $125,000 grant from NASA to create a prototype of his universal food synthesizer.

But Contractor, a mechanical engineer with a background in 3D printing, envisions a much more mundane—and ultimately more important—use for the technology. He sees a day when every kitchen has a 3D printer, and the earth’s 12 billion people feed themselves customized, nutritionally-appropriate meals synthesized one layer at a time, from cartridges of powder and oils they buy at the corner grocery store. Contractor’s vision would mean the end of food waste, because the powder his system will use is shelf-stable for up to 30 years, so that each cartridge, whether it contains sugars, complex carbohydrates, protein or some other basic building block, would be fully exhausted before being returned to the store.

Ubiquitous food synthesizers would also create new ways of producing the basic calories on which we all rely. Since a powder is a powder, the inputs could be anything that contain the right organic molecules. We already know that eating meat is environmentally unsustainable, so why not get all our protein from insects?

If eating something spat out by the same kind of 3D printers that are currently being used to make everything from jet engine parts to fine art doesn’t sound too appetizing, that’s only because you can currently afford the good stuff, says Contractor. That might not be the case once the world’s population reaches its peak size peak size, probably sometime near the end of this century.

“I think, and many economists think, that current food systems can’t supply 12 billion people sufficiently,” says Contractor. “So we eventually have to change our perception of what we see as food.

If Contractor’s utopian-dystopian vision of the future of food ever comes to pass, it will be an argument for why space research isn’t a complete waste of money. His initial grant from NASA, under its Small Business Innovation Research program, is for a system that can print food for astronauts on very long space missions. For example, all the way to Mars.

“Long distance space travel requires 15-plus years of shelf life,” says Contractor. “The way we are working on it is, all the carbs, proteins and macro and micro nutrients are in powder form. We take moisture out, and in that form it will last maybe 30 years.”

Pizza is an obvious candidate for 3D printing because it can be printed in distinct layers, so it only requires the print head to extrude one substance at a time. Contractor’s “pizza printer” is still at the conceptual stage, and he will begin building it within two weeks. It works by first “printing” a layer of dough, which is baked at the same time it’s printed, by a heated plate at the bottom of the printer. Then it lays down a tomato base, “which is also stored in a powdered form, and then mixed with water and oil,” says Contractor.

Finally, the pizza is topped with the delicious-sounding “protein layer,” which could come from any source, including animals, milk or plants.



Insect powder anyone?

Feeling hungry? Just push the print button.

Feeling sad because you haven’t been able to afford a genetically modified and patented apple in 10 years and fruit trees were outlawed? Just print an apple-flavored biscuit and take a printed happy pill from your 3-D printer. For in the future, drugs and pharmaceuticals will no doubt have a marketplace in home-printing as well…

Under the guise of feeding the hungry, a technological tyranny is born and sold as a contribution to mankind. Of course, the wealthy rely on the starvation and poverty of others to maintain their wealth, which cannot exist without its equal and opposite reaction of poverty.

Dystopia is being written now, on the main page of the news, and it is being hailed as the way of the future.

For in the future, I predict that 3-D printing will be illegal without permission. I predict that designs will be regulated and limited by government. I predict the need for “labor-ready” people will diminish as this technology dominates the markets, creating a moral purpose for depopulation by those who advocate it. I predict that a new and even more sinister form of food dependence will be implemented as GMO foods are created and patented to replace real ones, becoming the only monopolized and approved powder available for food printing. And I predict that this is the way of the new world order – complete control over food.

Or maybe this is all just science fiction…

I’m gonna go eat lunch while I can!


–Clint Richardson (
–Monday, May 27th, 2013

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