Rev. Al Sharpton calls for Obama DOJ takeover of all police departments, plans to fight states rights

Intellihub – by Alex Thomas

In a stunning statement given to the Baltimore Sun, hard left Obama ally Rev. Al Sharpton has called for the federal government to takeover all police departments in the country.

Calling for the Justice Department to “take over policing in this country,” Sharpton announced a plan to march on Washington in order to push for a government takeover of the police. In an open admission of a plan to sidestep the Constitution, Sharpton mentioned the police takeover could only happen if supporters fight against states rights.  

“We need the Justice Department to step in and take over policing in this country. In the 20th century, they had to fight states’ rights in — to get the right to vote. We’re going to have to fight states’ rights in terms of closing down police cases.”

Calls for a federal takeover align with previous comments made by Obama when he was originally running for president in 2008. In a widely seen clip, then candidate Obama openly calls for a new civilian national security force.

“We have got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, and just as well-funded.”

18 thoughts on “Rev. Al Sharpton calls for Obama DOJ takeover of all police departments, plans to fight states rights

        1. Hey Cynicles i dont either anymore. Glad i stocked up several years ago when i had a little. Maybe you can barter something. If not, when tshtf, they’ll be plenty of guns that the enemy wont be able to use anymore because they’ll be dead.

          1. Exactly! I’m in the same boat as Cynicles, but I intend to take a weapons course so I can at least know what to do with a weapon when one lands in my hand. [wink].
            . . .

  1. Little commie S.O.B should be serving time for tax evasion. Get back in the sewer Sharpton!

  2. as in
    plans to fight them having rights or plans to fight the rights they have???

    It only mentions transferring command and control of existing illegal corporate ‘dicks’ to the criminal cartel of enemy forces in occupation DC branch.

  3. just occurred to me – this POS is more ‘credible’ ( more does not mean ‘is’) that the president

    at least he is open about his plans for subversion

    1. NC I know of an old walnut tree that has a limb perfect for a good hemp rope to accommodate this piece of trash.

          1. Digger said 2 (in a row), but I think it can hold 3 easily by now. 🙂 😉

          2. Aw man I’m sorry Angel, I didn’t make my self clear enough. The tree I have in mind is about a mile from me. The limb is just far enough off the ground to hang anyone up to about 8 feet. I’ll have to take a photo of it and post it. It’s a beauty.

          3. Hahaha! Paul has his own special tree picked out for these traitors. I didn’t even think of that. Shame on me. 😆

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