Satanists To “Invoke Satan,” Desecrate Virgin Mary At A Public Black Mass In Oklahoma City On Monday

The Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowin

Here’s something you don’t see every day… or… ever.

A Satanic cult is set to hold a black mass publicly at the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City on Monday, August 15th.

Apparently after a sex offender invokes Satan, the group plans to desecrate a statue of the Virgin Mary because August 15th is celebrated as her Assumption into Heaven.  

black-mass-satan-worship-baphometVia Christian News Wire:

Satanist and registered sex offender Adam Daniels announced that he will invoke Satan through a blasphemous Black Mass followed by a bloody ritual called “The Consumption of Mary,” all performed on city property.

“Every American should oppose this hateful attack against God,” said TFP [Tradition Family Property] Student Action Director John Ritchie, who hopes to collect 200,000 petitions against the Black Mass by the end of the week…

TFP’s argument is that “Sacrilege is simply NOT free speech.”

Dakhma of Angra Mainyu, the group behind the black mass, claims this ritual will “educate the public on the practice of ahrimanism.”

Here’s an excerpt from the official press release on Yahoo!:

The Dakhma of Angra Mainyu is presenting an educational experience to the public. This will be a rare opportunity for the public to learn about the philosophy known as Satanism and learn the difference of religious Ahrimanism. Traditional Ahrimanism is a reconstruction of Zoroastrian Daeva worship found within Tantric Hinduism; which Zarathustra demonized the Agohri Shivite practices as part of creating the duality between cosmic order and chaos. The presentation will be split into 2 halves, which will include a religious ceremony and address the subject matter before each rite. The Black Mass, as written by Anton LaVey, will be the first “religious” ritual performed to show how the Satanic Philosophy is atheistic that falls in line with the Colonel ideals of Reason and Deism; combined with the religious mockery, blasphemy, and debauchery that made the Hellfire Clubs so infamous.

The second half of the event will give a detailed lesson on the religious significance of the Goddess Kali Maa. The main focus is on Kali Maa’s protective nature to defend the Devas (Gods) from the Asuras (Demons). The term Asura is the original religious term for angel. The religious ceremony will show direct worship of Kali Maa and allow for the display of Kali Maa to consume the Asura known as St Mary the Virgin. The rite is known as The Consumption of Mary, and will show many aspects of Tantric worship of Kali Maa and Kundalini practices. This ceremony will show spiritual religious actions versus mockery and blasphemy.

TFP’s online petition against the black mass has garnered nearly 148,000 signatures so far.

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Contributed by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple.

Piper writes for The Daily Sheeple. There’s a lot of B.S. out there. Someone has to write about it.

13 thoughts on “Satanists To “Invoke Satan,” Desecrate Virgin Mary At A Public Black Mass In Oklahoma City On Monday

  1. Awessssum….
    Maybe we can have some death metal speed bands play there.
    We’ll call the tour…
    Not to be confused with anything Italian.

  2. Well then F’ ’em , let’s burn an effigy of Satan, a Hillary Clinton doll will do! Then, we can march down the street and stomp over that piece of $hit Bill on our way. Invoke Satan? Hillary is the incarnation of pure evil, slimy, rotting, stinking, breath that would knock a buzzard off a $hitwagon, greasy, sweaty, repugnant. Need I go on?

    Just her image is vomit inducing. Look at her! OMG! Could you create something uglier than that? I can’t, and won’t ever get used to “Madam President, not gonna happen. I’ll ignore it as I do now with the puppets they put in office.

  3. Millard this author is just confused it is killary rally. One in the same my friends, one in he same. Maybe he comes to earth out of the worm hole in that whores tongue. Dear Jesus please let this parasite die a slow and brutal public death.

  4. What a bunch of New Age Hooey! True Zoroastrians must be furious! There is NO connection whatsoever to Anton LeVey and Zoroastrianism: “Zoroastrianism – the doctrines and practices of a dualistic Iranian religion, especially the existence of a supreme deity, Ahura Mazda, and belief in a cosmic struggle between a spirit of good and light and a spirit of evil and darkness. Also called Zoroastrism, Zarathustrism, Mazdaism. — Zoroastrian, n., adj. ( This is nothing more than trying to stir the pot of division. Hopefully no one will attend and they will be there powerless and looking like fools. Invoking the “hell fire club” is downright hilarious.

  5. Kali Maa, eh? I think I’ll just watch my DVD of “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.” Or you can watch Gunga Din or The Deceivers if you are interested in Kali Maa worship by a supposedly extinct cult banned in India in the 1840s known as the Thugees (where the word “thug” comes from).

    Or, if you prefer music, Marilyn Manson…

  6. There’s gotta be a Jew behind this, just trying to piss everyone off.

    Even an atheist knows what Satan represents. It’s not a matter of religious belief. These people are pissing on everything good in the world, and I hope a gang of crazy Christians beats the crap out of the whole lot of them.

      1. Most definitely… but I don’t see him mentioned in the article. Am I missing something, Martist?

        Who is Howard Stanton Levey?

  7. People who go out of their way to offend others like this are just attention-whoring. Rather than give them what they want, I’d ignore them. I can guarantee that neither the Virgin Mary nor God will be the slightest bit harmed by anything they do.

    We have the right to defend ourselves and others against physical attack, but it’s not our place to judge the religious opinions of others or their relationship with God. I’d say leave it to God to punish those people if He wants to do so.

    *** TFP’s argument is that “Sacrilege is simply NOT free speech.” ***

    Actually, it is. The reason is that no one can prove that his favored definition of “sacrilege” is accurate. To some Christian denominations, even the religious beliefs and/or practices of other Christians are sacrilegious.

    No one has the right to never be offended. If we have the right to restrict speech because we find it extremely offensive, then the Jews have the right to outlaw any challenges to the Holocaust narrative, Blacks have the right to outlaw “racist” speech, etc., as long as they have the POWER to do so. Either everyone has the right to say what’s on his mind, or no one does other than those who can impose their views by force.

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