U.S. Mossad Operatives and Operations

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Olive Bio-Diesel – by Tracy Turner

When many gentilian Americans read or hear the word Mossad they think of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, perhaps a few think of Haifa and Jaffa. Few think of the Syrian Rebel Army’s leaders as having proof of the Mossad operating in Syria. Any independent journalist running afoul of Haaretz and Reuters runs a high risk of organized harrassment and Morgellons disease infection by Mossad operatives operating with impunity in the U.S.  

Mossad Organizations and Operatives: Gordon Duff, Rabbi Boteach, Dianne Feinstein, Jane Harman, News Feeds of all kinds, AIPAC, Anwar Al Awlaki, youtube, Google, Al Qaeda, Veterans Today, OpedNews, Reuters, Linkedin, AT&T, Edward Snowden, NSA Prism via Unit 8200, Middleeastmonitor.com, wikipedia, presstv.ir, Fox News, the Jerusalem Post and the ADL (Anti-Defamation League).

Military service in Israel is compulsory for many and when age and gravity make it time to stop being a telecom cable splicer for the IDF the Mossad can easily arrange to fill positions for the 4-5 big US Telecoms to hire Mossad agents as Cable Splicers (or billing analysts, etc.). The United States 100 biggest cities are inundated with Mossad operatives; how else does such a pimple-sized nation have so much influence over a nation the size of the U.S.?

Mossad-controlled SuperPAC’s like AIPAC literally have the power to take America to war… AIPAC-Mossad-Jews like Keith Weissman, Dave Szady, Larry Franklin, Douglas Feith, Steven Rosen, Paul Wolfowitz, Naor Gilon and Michael Ledeen have more power than any block of U.S. voters or most blocks of elected officials – by operating as a foreign-national tribe posing as U.S. citizens. When these movers and shakers need media clout they have it – when they wish an enemy vanquished by media they have that as well. But when they want their U.S. rights AIPAC attorneys will look out for those as well. The loyalties on camera are to “America” but off-camera to rules like hobby lobby, Citizens United, etc. There is more off-camera loyalty to Israel and foreign national corporations and murky confusing multinational legislation.

ISIS IS RUN BY SIMON ELLIOT, A MOSSAD AGENT and Malaysia Flight 370 Downed by Israeli Mossad possibly submarine…

According to Edward Snowden, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the boss of ISIL (aka ISIS),  is a Jewish actor named Simon Elliot.



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