Video Of Michael Brown Protest In Portland, Oregon

Sent to us by LaughingAtLiberals

Published on Nov 25, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

“All the cops in the ground, rest in peace, Michael Brown” chant the Portland protesters, as they marched through the street screaming and yelling. Others show a banner that has a drawing of a dead pig on it with the words “F*** you neoliberal fascist pigs”. At the end of the march, they block off an intersection before returning to the cop shop to continue their rally.

Published on Nov 25, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

“If you want to flip over a cop car, then flip over a cop car!” says a drunken Jessie Sponberg, who, along with Sean Kealiher, tries to tell a black protester how to protest the Michael Brown shooting. The black dude is urging everyone to stay peaceful while the suburbanite white kids are the ones wanting to get violent.

Published on Nov 25, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

Protestors decide to block an intersection in Portland, and one driver is mad they are in his way, so he hops out of his car to take matters into his own hands. After holding himself back for a minute or so, he eventually jumps in and tries to punch an old hippie. Other protesters hold him back, while some teenagers try to get the man to continue with the fighting. A big black dude runs interference on them, and they go away. But shortly afterward, the black dude says they were lucky they were 16, otherwise he’d have knocked their asses out.

Published on Nov 25, 2014 by LaughingAtLiberals

While yammering on about the KKK, capitalism, and white people, Mario Haro tries to turn the crowd’s attention to one Laughing At Liberals. Ironic that he tries to paint me to be the bad guy, trying to stir up trouble, while he’s the one screaming and yelling at everyone trying to incite the crowd.

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