When Families Come For Your Guns

Michael Bloomberg, founder of Bloomberg LP and former mayor of New York City, right, speaks during a panel discussion with Jeff Weiner, chief executive officer of LinkedIn Corp., at the Bloomberg Year Ahead: 2015 conference in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Thursday, Nov. 13, 2014.(Getty Images)The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

The Blaze:

Everytown for Gun Safety, the organization funded by former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, issued a set of five talking points for gun control advocates to follow when trying to persuade their pro-gun friends and relatives of their error in thinking on Thanksgiving.

“This Thanksgiving when talk around he table turns to politics and current events, you can help set the record straight on some of the most common myths about guns,” the talking points titled, “Talking Turkey About Guns,” says.

The “myths” and “facts” infographics included Thanksgiving imagery such as turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie.

That this was intended for Thanksgiving is irrelevant.  What’s more germane to the conversation is what Bloomberg’s group did and why they did it.  It’s not likely to happen exactly like Bloomberg presents it.  My position on mental health and gun ownership is well established.  As my reader menckenlite has said of psychiatry.

Control freaks love psychiatry, a means of social control with no Due Process protections. It is a system of personal opinion masquerading as science. See, e.g., Boston University Psychology Professor Margaret Hagan’s book, Whores of the Court,he to see how arbitrary psychiatric illnesses are. Peter Breggin, Fred Baughman and Thomas Szasz wrote extensively about abuses of psychiatry. Liberals blame guns for violence. Conservatives blame mental illness. Neither have any causal connection to violence.

There may be end of life issues in which collection of guns may take same path as collection of cars or anything else that can harm someone.  We are dealing with a 91-year old grandmother who has clinical dementia.  We won’t let her drive.  We took her guns.  Guns are no different than anything else, but we are caring for her.

The point is that in the absence of clinical medical issues like dementia, you are not entitled to the guns owned by loved ones.  But totalitarians have always been quick to intercept and interdict the communications, care, money, love and every other aspect of the life of the family.  The state taxes the most helpless among us, the widow and orphan, merely because a loved one perished.  God holds a special place in hell for men who make such laws.

The Nazis did it, the Soviets did it, the communists in Southeast Asia did it, the Chinese communists do it with their one child policy and other laws.  The family is subservient to the state, rather than being one of the sovereign institutions in God’s economy.  The family owes fealty to the state rather than itself and God, and the philosophical question of the one and the many has been settled long ago in favor of the one.

The state knows that the family members love each other, and they use that against the family.  If they can split the family or use one of the members against another to report on their activities or convince them of their duty to the state, the love of the family can engender pacifism within the family.  In order to ensure peace within the family, members can go along to get along.  Worse, they might actually fear another family member, which is exactly what the state wants.

You won’t find another more important venue or object of your lobby efforts or target of your teaching and instruction than family, even extended family.  If you cannot persuade your family of your world view, then it makes no sense to turn your attentions to others.  Go back to the beginning and work on your family again, and again, and again, and again.  Never let the state win.  It’s been said that socialized medicine is the holy grail of the collectivists.  That is wrong.  Their end game is the end of the family.

But after all is said and done, if you have extended family that simply cannot be convinced and will not acquiesce to your God-given rights, make it clear to them that if they align themselves with the collectivists, they have aligned with the enemy.  It’s just that serious.  Use those words.  They have become the enemy, or at least, workers for the enemy.  You cannot and will not ever relinquish your right to weapons, regardless of the close nature of those who would beseech you to do so.

When you read reports like the one from Bloomberg above, realize the deeper, more nefarious nature of their designs.  This isn’t about turkey, pie, Christmas presents, or any of the other trappings, and certainly not about the deeper religious meaning in the holidays.


4 thoughts on “When Families Come For Your Guns

  1. This exact scenario played out with me. My adult daughters and my former longtime best friend are no longer a part of my life. Yes, I chose my God given rights over my flesh and blood because without those rights there is NOTHING I can do to even have a fighting chance for any hope of the future.

    Psychology is a false science created by the usual suspects to promote labeling and compartmentalization. Makes dissidents easier to identify and is used as a wedge. Quite effectively I might add.

    1. That sucks Martist.. because as they should have been well aware ( at least your kids) that it was you that always protected them , and would have taken a bullet for them if ever necessary .

      My daughter gets it , even better than some of my gun toting buddies
      and is not afraid to stick up for that right even though she is just a few years under the age of packing legally in our state.

      I fully expect her to be one of those women with a 357 in a garter belt on her thigh , and able to shoot the balls off any guy at 100 paces if the need ever arise

      hey like they say ..aim small miss small ,, lol right?

      well if its any consolation Martist ..ask her who she will call when the SHTF or when shes in deep shit and hells breaking loose all around her , or getting mugged etc.. chances are it will be someone with a gun, either the cops, you, or another person she doesnt agree with.
      I have one of those non believers in my office , I pack daily .. and that person is not on my high priority list to come to the aid of.. jus sayin

  2. Only one thing to remember when it comes to the Anti-Gunners and Anti- hunting agendas .. they both rely and depend entirely upon lies .. Nuff Said?

    1. Thank you Enemy and I agree with every word you said. I’ve always resisted tptb and my daughter’s grew up with and were always taught to resist and question what is not right but the indoctrination is heavy and it was an uphill battle that “they” won. This time anyway but I have hopes they will someday see the light and avoid the ditch that is being dug for us all. Until then all I can focus on is how to cut at the heel of this Achilles called zio-communism that we are fighting against.

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