WikiLeaks is crowd-sourcing $100,000 for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

The Week

In a statement released Tuesday, WikiLeaks announced that it is offering a crowd-sourced $100,000 reward for the “missing chapters” of President Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) deal.

A video posted to WikiLeaks’ YouTube channel features top Democrats speaking out against the trade deal. According to its opponents, the deal would offer incentives for big businesses, while harming American workers.  

“The transparency clock has run out on the TPP. No more secrecy. No more excuses,” WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said in a statement. “Let’s open the TPP once and for all.”

WikiLeaks has already published three draft chapters of the TPP about intellectual property rights, the environment, and investment, Politico notes. WikiLeaks hopes users who want to see the TPP’s remaining chapters will contribute funding for the $100,000 reward. Meghan DeMaria

One thought on “WikiLeaks is crowd-sourcing $100,000 for the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal

  1. Screw their reward. There’s nothing you can do to stop TPP short of war. It’s what the Zionist corporations want, so it’s going to happen, and exposing it beforehand isn’t worth $100,000.

    Think of all the ammo you can buy with $100,000. That’s of real importance; supporting Julian Assange’s future political career or book contract isn’t.

    Please remember that there are a lot of people in our “movement” who are only here to make a buck, sell their book, or make themselves famous for future political or career aspirations. They’re not much different than the propagandists, and they’ll sacrifice what’s best for all of us in favor of pursuing their own goals. I believe Julian Assange is one of those people. He’s more interested in his fame than our victory.

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